who we are

About us

Frumark has the best fruits and vegetables in Curaçao

We are a company with extensive experience in the wholesale of fruits and vegetables in Curaçao. We have a wide variety of products of the highest quality with very flexible prices and excellent service.

Frumark is currently a company that has a young and very professional team that sells thousands of tons of fresh product each year.

Our goal is to bring our customers products in their optimal state

We are a young team, highly trained and eager to continue offering good service, quality and innovation to our customers as we have been doing since our creation. We make available to our customers a wide range of fruit and vegetable products and everything they need on a daily basis.

Our facts

Why we are unique? Have a look.

happy customers

Completed orders

Sold products (KG)

We work to give you the best possible service

4 principles that are followed in our organization


We use the appropriate human, technological and financial resources to obtain results that benefit the company and our clients.


Maintaining honesty at work is crucial for employees at all levels of Frumark, which is why we have taken care to have personnel with outstanding ethical values.


We comply with all our obligations and commitments, which is why we generate absolute business confidence in our clients.

Careful attention

Without good customer service, no organization is successful, that's why at Frumark we make a great effort at all times to carefully serve our customers.


Seru Loraweg 172 Unit D, Curaçao


Phone contact


Opening hours

Monday - Friday

08:00 am to 07:00 pm